Shared IP

What is it?

What is it?

A "Shared IP" (Internet Protocol) refers to an IP address utilized by multiple users or entities to send email messages. In email marketing, email service providers (ESPs) commonly use shared IP addresses to allocate resources and infrastructure among multiple clients, allowing them to send emails from a shared pool of IP addresses.

Key points to remember

Key points to remember

  • Resource Pooling: Shared IP addresses allow multiple users or customers of an ESP to share the same pool of IP addresses for sending email campaigns, maximizing resource utilization and cost efficiency.

  • IP Reputation: Since multiple senders share the same IP address, the reputation of the shared IP is influenced by the collective sending practices and email behavior of all users associated with that IP. This can impact email deliverability, as poor sender behavior from one user may affect others sharing the same IP.

  • Risk of Blacklisting: Shared IP addresses pose a higher risk of being blacklisted by email providers or anti-spam organizations if any user associated with the IP engages in spamming or violates email best practices. A shared IP's reputation is vulnerable to the actions of other users sharing the IP.

  • Limited Control: Users of shared IP addresses have limited control over their IP reputation and deliverability, as their sending practices are intertwined with those of other users on the same IP. This can make it challenging to troubleshoot deliverability issues or manage reputation effectively.

  • Suitability for Small Senders: Shared IP addresses are often suitable for small or low-volume senders who lack the volume or resources to justify dedicated IP addresses. They provide a cost-effective option for accessing email infrastructure and sending email campaigns.

Example of Use

Example of Use

  1. Email Service Providers: ESPs offer shared IP addresses as part of their email delivery infrastructure, allowing customers with low to moderate email volumes to send emails using a shared pool of IP addresses, reducing costs and resource requirements.

  2. Small Businesses: Small businesses or organizations with limited email marketing needs may opt for shared IP addresses provided by ESPs to access email delivery services without the overhead of managing dedicated IP addresses or reputation monitoring.

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