Quel est le meilleur

Email Finder en 2024 ?

Un expert indépendant à réalisé ce comparatif de 14 email finder pour déterminer lequel est le meilleur. La méthodologie et les fichiers sont fournis pour assurer une transparence totale des résultats.


Raouf Lemouchi

Outbound Expert

En tant qu'expert en lead generation, Enrow m'a demandé en Mai 2024 de réaliser un comparatif pour voir si leur outil pour trouver des emails était meilleur que les leaders tel que Apollo, Hunter et Dropcontact.

Pour réaliser cette étude, j'ai créé un fichier de 300 prospects depuis LinkedIn qui contenait uniquement le prénom, le nom et le nom de l'entreprise de chaque contact. J'ai aussi choisi 4 pays différents États-Unis, Allemagne, France et Israël et plusieurs tailles d'entreprises pour avoir des contacts variés.

J'ai enrichi ce fichier avec 14 email finder différents. J'ai ensuite envoyé un email à tous les emails trouvés pour connaitre le taux réel d'email trouvé, le taux de découverte, le taux de bounce et enfin j'ai calculé le meilleur rapport qualité/prix.


Véritable taux d'email trouvé

Ce taux correspond au taux de découverte moins les bounces. Il représente le taux réel d'email trouvé que vous pouvez espérer avoir.

Enrow ranks 1st with 66.45%, Apollo is 2nd with 65.06%, and GetEmail is 3rd with 52.67%.

Ten out of fourteen providers have a rate below 40%, which means you need to combine at least two tools to exceed 50%, leading to a loss of time and money.


Taux de rebond

Le taux de rebond ou bounce représente le pourcentage d'emails faux sur le total d'email trouvé par une solution.

Skrapp, Anymail Finder, Dropcontact, and Enrow are the only tools with a bounce rate below 3%, making them the clear winners of this comparison.

In contrast, Apollo has a bounce rate of nearly 7%, which can quickly negatively impact your deliverability. GetEmail, with a bounce rate of 14%, significantly increases your chances of landing in spam folders and getting your domain blacklisted.


Cost Per Valid Email

The cost is calculated based on each provider's first plan. In the case of billing per search, we apply the true email finding rate in the calculation.

Datagma and Enrow offer the best pricing per email with the pay-per-valid-email model.

The traditional pay-per-search model is highly flawed as it does not clearly count the emails you receive and significantly increases your costs.

For instance, a valid email is 35 times more expensive with Hunter than a search, and with Dropcontact, it is 3 times more expensive.


Benchmark Full Report

This rate represents the number of emails a provider finds minus the bounces. It corresponds to the true email discovery rate that you should trust.

The results of this benchmark clearly show that Enrow is the best email finder if you want to maximize the number of emails found while maintaining a bounce rate that will be good for your deliverability and domain reputation.

We are also the best value for money, as we are 3 to 15 times cheaper than other tools.


The Benchmark Protocol

Discover the methodology we followed to conduct a fair and transparent benchmark of the best email finders.

To conduct this study, we created a file of 300 prospects.

With a thorough approach, we scraped 75 leads across 4 countries: Germany, France, USA, and Israel. To ensure a diverse range of leads, we divided the 75 leads into 3 subgroups of 25 each

We then scraped the top 25 results on Sales Navigator for each company size: 1-10, 201-500, and 10,000+ employees.

Our comparison of email finders was swift and efficient. We provided a CSV or XLSX file containing only the First, Last, and Company Name for each lead, with all enrichments completed within a prompt 48 hours.

To verify the validity of the email addresses, we sent an email to each address using a cold emailing tool and then waited 72 hours to collect all the bounces.

We have produced a dashboard that you can download below, which includes all the emails found for each provider, a list of all the emails that bounced, and the calculations used to create the above graphs.


All Files

Click to download a file or download the full report just below.


Are there any biases in this benchmark?

If I repeat the same experiment, will I get the same results?

How long did the experiment last?

Did all the tools follow the same protocol?

Why isn't the tool I'm using included in the comparison?

What does a "bounce" mean?

What is the difference between the true email finding rate and the discovery rate?

How did we calculate the price per valid email for the tools that charge per search?

Why didn't we use an email verifier like Neverbounce?

What protocol was followed for sending the emails?

Wanna try the best email finder?

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