Dedicated IP Address

What is it?

What is it?

A "Dedicated IP Address" refers to a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned exclusively to a single sender or organization for sending email. In email marketing, dedicated IP addresses offer several advantages, including greater sender reputation control, improved deliverability rates, and enhanced email campaign performance monitoring.

Key points to remember

Key points to remember

  • Isolation: With a dedicated IP address, the sender's email reputation is not influenced by the actions of other senders sharing the same IP address, as with shared IP addresses.

  • Reputation Management: Dedicated IP addresses allow senders to build and maintain their sender reputation independently, positively impacting email deliverability and inbox placement.

  • Customization: Senders can configure and customize their email-sending practices and authentication protocols specific to their dedicated IP address, optimizing deliverability and security measures.

  • Monitoring and Reporting: Dedicated IP addresses enable more accurate monitoring and reporting of email campaign performance metrics, such as delivery rates, open rates, and bounce rates.

  • Cost Considerations: Obtaining a dedicated IP address may involve additional costs compared to using a shared IP address. However, the benefits of deliverability control and performance monitoring can outweigh the investment for high-volume senders.

Example of Use

Example of Use

  1. High-Volume Sender: A large e-commerce retailer with a high email volume opts for a dedicated IP address to maintain complete control over their sender reputation and ensure consistent email deliverability to their customers' inboxes.

  2. Brand Protection: A company concerned about brand reputation and deliverability invests in a dedicated IP address to minimize the risk of other senders' poor sending practices on shared IP addresses.

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