Bulk & Single Search

Find the correct email address
in bulk or one by one

Get 50 emails for free

No credit card required.


Piloterr Logo Grey
Emelia.io logo grayscale
The Companies API logo grayscale
The Companies API logo grayscale
The Companies API logo grayscale
Mantiks.io logo grayscale

Bulk and single search are included in all products

Email Finder

Find someone's email by providing a name and a company.

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Email Verifier

Type an email or upload an email list and get the deliverability status in seconds.

Coming soon


Build custom workflows to find or verify email addresses.

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How to perform a bulk and a single search


Upload a CSV or XLS file

Upload your XLS or CSV file in Enrow. Add the column company and company domain. Select the country where your leads are to improve your email-finding rate. Wait seconds. Your file is ready!

Start for free


Try the search bar

Don't you have any files or want to find emails manually? Type a full name and a company URL, and we will find the correct email address. FYI searches that do not result in a valid email are refunded.

Start for free

Enrow stands out in Sales Tech with unmatched discovery rates and minimal bounce rates. It uniquely charges for successful email finds and offers refunds otherwise, making it a customer-centric innovation.”

Niels Cohen


All features included in Enrow


Do you send emails to my contacts?

Do you send emails to my contacts?

Do you send emails to my contacts?

Do you charge duplicate contacts?

Do you charge duplicate contacts?

Do you charge duplicate contacts?

How do search credits work?

How do search credits work?

How do search credits work?

How accurate is Enrow?

How accurate is Enrow?

How accurate is Enrow?

What happens if I don't use all my credits?

What happens if I don't use all my credits?

What happens if I don't use all my credits?

blue background with pink and light blue behind the blur


We prepare a small product tour to give you an override of Enrow

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blue background with pink and light blue behind the blur


We prepare a small product tour to give you an override of Enrow

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