Find someone's

email address

Enrich leads in bulk or one by one with

valid and verified professional email addresses

Reach out to your leads with deeply verified email addresses and secure more deals for your business.

No credit card required



Email Finder

Find professional email addresses from names and companies in seconds.

Find anyone's email address in bulk
Find anyone's email address in bulk
Find anyone's email address in bulk

Bulk Email Finder

Need to look up more than one email address? Find email addresses in bulk.

Find anyone's email one by one
Find anyone's email one by one

Single Email Finder

Need to look up one email address? Find email addresses one by one thanks to the search bar.

Email Finder API
Email Finder API

Email Finder API

Need to build custom email enrichment workflows? Try the Email Finder API.


The typical routine with Enrow

Scraping, Email Enrichment & Send Email Campaigns


Scrap leads on Sales Navigator

To find emails, you must provide names and companies; you can do this manually or automatically using scraping tools. There are no difficulties; you usually need an extension. You can skip this step if you already have a lead list.

Tools we recommend:

logo woodpecker cold email
logo woodpecker cold email


Enrich leads with emails

Upload your XLS or CSV file in Enrow. Add the column company and company domain. Select the country where your leads are to improve your email-finding rate. Wait seconds or minutes (for large files). Your file is ready! Download it.


Start email outreach

Upload your enriched file in your favorite cold emailing software or CRM. Thanks to Enrow, you will have a higher enrichment rate and only valid emails in your sequence. Two pieces of advice to skyrocket your campaigns: Keep it short and segment your list.

Tools we recommend:

Logo Smartlead
Logo Smartlead
Logo Woodpecker
Logo Woodpecker

Enrow stands out in Sales Tech with unmatched discovery rates and minimal bounce rates. It uniquely charges for successful email finds and offers refunds otherwise, making it a customer-centric innovation.

Niels Cohen,

Founder of

Enrow stands out in Sales Tech with unmatched discovery rates and minimal bounce rates. It uniquely charges for successful email finds and offers refunds otherwise, making it a customer-centric innovation.

Niels Cohen,

Founder of

Enrow stands out in Sales Tech with unmatched discovery rates and minimal bounce rates. It uniquely charges for successful email finds and offers refunds otherwise, making it a customer-centric innovation.

Niels Cohen,

Founder of

Frequently Asked Questions

How to find email addresses with the Email Finder?

How accurate is Enrow's Email Finder in finding email addresses?

What sets Enrow's Email Finder ahead from other email lookup tools?

Can I find email addresses from a list of people ?

Are the email addresses guesses or found somewhere?

Why doesn't the Email Finder return any results, and how can this be resolved?

Is the Email Finder free?